Monday, January 31, 2011

The Ultimate Pinoy!


(Justin Dela Cruz)

* Fishballs
* SquidBalls
* Isaw
* Kwek Kwek
* Adidas
* Kikiam


Fish Balls and Squid Balls:

This type of street food is seen everywhere! As in EVERYWHERE! Sometimes when i go to malls i can see people outside eating fishballs. When you put sauce on it GOD! It's sooo good!


This type of street food is also seen everywhere! It's like a spaghetti when you look at it from a far. Also tasty with vinegar.


I'm not so familiar with this kind of street food but some say that this is good and tasty. You can also put sauce on it like vinegar, sweet etc.


Adidas is the feet of the chicken. I haven't tried it but everyone said it's yummy and tasty.

Kwek Kwek:

For me, the winner in this category is Kwek Kwek. This kind of street food is so popular in our country. Almost all of the people in the philippines know this kind of street food. It taste good and also cheap when it comes to price. Some vendors sell it for 2 pesos per and some sell it for 3 pesos. From all of the street foods I've tried, Kwek Kwek has the best taste! But we people must know that eating a lot of this is bad. So everyone should be careful :)


(Earl Limjuco)


You see pedicabs everywhere for example at taft,there are so many pedicabs. I like pedicabs for their colorful bike and side seats. As much as i hate pedicabs I have respect for them because thats their only way of living.they feed their family with the money they get from students who ride with them.But often they get in my nerves example in pablo ocampo,we all know that,that street is one way only but they still counter
flow with the other cars.that always causes traffic in pablo ocampo.But still i respect there


(Matt Viola)

According to the Urban Dictionary a Jejemon is a person "who has managed to subvert the English language to the point of incomprehensibility."[1] The Philippine Daily Inquirer describes Jejemons as a "new breed of hipster who have developed not only their own language and written text but also their own sub-culture and fashion.

Jejemon caps:
The "Jejecap." The Jejecap is famous for its "rainbow" like color stripes in the back part.


Skinny Colored Jeans:
Jejemons love the skinny jeans. It's a fact that wearing Tight Skinny Jeans, affects your sperm count. who knew, right?


Fake Supra Shoes:
As the jejemons walk around with there emo hair, jejecaps and skinny jeans they need something that fits their jolog'ness. So they look for the most bizarre looking shoes in the country. Supra-High cuts. The original price of a pair, would probably cost more than their houses.


Emo Hair (cheaply bleached hair):
Jejemons love to style the Emo haircuts that support their music. a Perfectly good example of how great music sense they have, is their idol band, Chicosci.
there bleached hair symbolizes how poor they are when it comes to D.I.Y. bleaching.

Big Gangsta Shirts:
Turning to the Gangster side, the Gangster Jejemons buy their HipHop shirts from the Ukay-Ukays. they sport the look of an african american but with out the chicken and cool-aid.


(Cp Cuneta)

Filipino Time:

Filipino time for example when your friend told that "Hey let;s meet up around 7am! See you!" Some Filipinos meet with their friend like 8am or sometimes more than 8am. That's why it's called the Filipino time. We are known that way. Always late haha!


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